Unpredictable times that require fast answers
The pandemic situation was a source of disruption for business operations. Companies had to react very fast to unpredictable events that have never been planned. The organizations that already adopted clouds solutions and proficiently developed low code solutions were able to react much faster and reduce significantly business disruption.
Shift Consulting is an active contributor of low code solutions that enables companies to have fast answers for their business processes. During the first COVID 19 lockdown Shift Consulting was challenged by a group of hospitals to develop an app to control cafeteria access respecting capacity restrictions. The challenge was accepted and the app was running on medical personnel mobile’s phones on a fast basis. The app managed not only cafeteria capacity but also allowed to book meals in advance saving time for medical personnel. Implementing this solution on a fast basis, was possible using Microsoft Low Code Power Platform.

Business needs to move faster
Maybe one of the things that we all learned from recent events, was seeing business and operations changing in a pace that was never imagined. Fast change doesn’t match with traditional approaches. Business units had the need to solve new problems and deploy solutions within a few days, not months has it was before. Fast change finds a good fit with a low code approach were business units (under the governance of IT) can develop and deploy business apps in a matter of days or few weeks.
The traditional way of having IT taking care of all company software needs will not be sustainable when the times are changing and require fast answers. Although IT governance is critical for a successful low code implementation.
Implementing a low code approach in your company will drive:
- Speed and agility on the hands of each business unit
- Fast innovation for the business
- Time to market
Low Code will enable your company to adapt fast, innovate and answer your customers before others do.
Shift Consulting has a soundtrack record of helping customers deploying Microsoft Power Platform solutions.